“Improve your bottom-line Year on Year by at least 5%”
Hasman Spend Analyzer (HSA) is a solution developed by Hasman Enterprise Solutions Inc, to enable SME organizations to develop a cost-effective process of classifying the spend data, analyze and achieve cost reduction in procurement.
Hasman Spend Analyzer is a set of proprietary tools and techniques that help you to analyze your procurement spend in multiple dimensions such as Item, Supplier, and Buyer. It enables you to perform an in-depth analysis of what you are buying, from whom you are buying and also the buying trends.
Using this information you can negotiate better terms with your vendors, consolidate your spending patterns and also benchmark and measure the performance of buyers. You will be able to set spend reduction targets to buyers and directly improve your operational profits.

Multidimensional visibility into your SCM Spend
Do you have multi-dimensional visibility into your procurement spend?
The fundamental information required to monitor and control spending is
- What are we spending on?
- Whom are we spending on?
- Who is accountable to optimize the spend?
HSA is a tool that just provides this information for small and midsize enterprises in a very cost-effective manner.

Identify the exceptions and Estimate the savings potential
HSA uses a proprietary methodology to assess the efficiency of procurement spend at an overall level as well as Item level. Using this information you can identify the exception items that are dragging down the spending efficiency.
Then it will help you to identify the hidden savings potential at an overall level with a drill down to each item level.
After identifying the savings potential, you can initiate appropriate measures to realize those hidden savings.
A problem identified is bound to get fixed!!!

Formulate Spend Optimization Strategy & define targets
HSA helps you to define your spend optimization strategy through benchmarking the suppliers. It provides you spend reduction targets at 3 levels viz., Benchmark Supplier’s Average Price (BSAP), Benchmark Supplier’s Best Price (BSBP) and “Throw The Hat” (THT) which is your own choicest target.
You would first be targeting to achieve the savings based on BSAP then move to BSBP and eventually to THT. Your Spend efficiency meter helps you to monitor the efficiency of the spending and identify the exception items to take corrective action. Also, you can fix the accountability to reduce the spend with appropriate personnel of your organization and design an incentive scheme to reward the best performers.
When the accountability is fixed, the probability of success is improved!!!

Actionable intelligence to reduce your spend
HSA provides actionable intelligence to your Supply Chain Management Team who are accountable to reduce the spend. The in-depth analysis of the spend in multiple dimensions helps your Buyers to identify the exceptional items and suppliers and negotiate better terms with them.
Also, the buying pattern dashboards will help you to plan the purchases well in advance and enter into long-term agreements with the suppliers
The result? Mutually profitable collaboration with your suppliers!!!
An exceptionally unique solution tailored for your business
- Helps in streamlining the item & price information
- Helps in identifying the spending patterns
Helps in enhancing the negotiation power
- Helps in setting up the spend reduction targets
- Helps you to measure the progress against the spend reduction targets
- Helps you to achieve the targets and Improve your Bottom Line
- Consulting support from Hasman in formulating and administering the spend reduction strategies

1% saving could mean 10% jump in your bottom line!!!